[vc_row p_top=”40″ m_bottom=”80″][vc_column][ivan_title title_tag=”h2″ c_id=”.vc_1684241400038″ title_css=”font-weight:600;color:#ffffff;font-size:30px;text-transform:uppercase;background-color:#872e2a;margin-top:10px;margin-bottom:10px;padding-top:20px;padding-bottom:20px;”]Bringing ATKV’s Hartenbos Revamp Vision to Reality[/ivan_title][vc_separator color=”#872e2a” thickness=”4″ up=”0″ down=”0″][vc_column_text c_id=”.vc_1684241463667″ p_css=”font-size:16px;” css=”.vc_custom_1684241463666{margin-top: 30px !important;}”]In late 2016 McTimber Structures took on the very exciting and very large job of assisting with the refurbishment of the ATKV Hartenbos Resort in the Western Cape.

“The developers wanted to create a timber walkway that connects the shopping centre to the beach front as well as a deck that overlooks the playpark. They wanted the timber walkway to create a natural, holiday feeling for the resort. They asked McTimber to help them bring their vision to a reality and we certainly were up for the job” says McTimber Structures owner, Gareth McKenzie.

The project required a lot of planning and organising, and it was no mean feat getting the wood and other hardware to the remote beach site in preparation for the months of work. In total McTimber used the following:

The timber decking, cladding and hardware were transported up from Cape Town and the poles from Oudtshoorn.

“The McTimber team really enjoyed the challenges that this huge project presented. We had to do quality work in a very limited time frame. But when we saw the final product, and how our work fitted in perfectly into the overall revamp, we were very proud” says Gareth.

The developers were extremely happy with the final product, and the best part was that the resort opened on time for the holiday-makers to start their summer festivities.

McTimber has quoted on the 2nd phase of the resort revamp due to start in 2017 – so watch this space.[/vc_column_text][vc_empty_space][ivan_title title_tag=”h2″ c_id=”.vc_1684241484782″ title_css=”font-weight:600;color:#872e2a;font-size:30px;”]ATKV’s Hartenbos Gallery[/ivan_title][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_gallery type=”image_grid” images=”3075,3074,3073,3072,3071,3070,3069,3068,3067,3066,3056,3057,3058,3059,3060,3061,3062,3063,3064,3065,3055,3054,3053,3052,3051,3050,3049,3048,3047,3046,3036,3037,3038,3039,3040,3041,3042,3043,3044,3045,3034,3035,3033,3032,3031,3030,3029,3028,3027,3026,3085″ img_size=”ivan_project_wide_crop” column_number=”3″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row width=”full” bg_type=”image” bg_color_row=”#742825″ bg_att=”fixed” p_top=”25″ p_bottom=”25″ m_top=”55″ m_bottom=”0″ cut_top=”top-triangle” cut_top_w=”150″][vc_column][ivan_call_action heading=”For a FREE no obligation quotation contact us TODAY!” heading_tag=”h2″ style=”opaque” type=”with-icon” ico_family=”el el-” size=”fa-4x” template=”light-bg” c_id=”.vc_1436210927259″ ico=”focus”][ivan_dual_btn template=”auto-borders” c_id=”.vc_1411490301404″ middle_txt=”or”][ivan_button border_r=”round-square” style=”outline” dark_op=”yes” template=”light-bg” c_id=”.vc_1436210993355″]Gareth McKenzie: 083 629 9541[/ivan_button][ivan_button link=”http://www.mctimber.co.za/contact-us/” border_r=”round-square” style=”outline” dark_op=”yes” template=”light-bg” c_id=”.vc_1436209879596″]Email Us[/ivan_button][/ivan_dual_btn][/ivan_call_action][/vc_column][/vc_row]